A New Start for 2025? Volunteer at Truro Cathedral!

A message from our volunteer manager, Susie Merelie...

Blink and you’ll have missed it!  As the cathedral Christmas tree has been disassembled and Epiphany services have taken place, it’s now time for us all to consider the year ahead.  For some, this includes setting New Years Resolutions which often appear to be an unachievable list of things to start or stop doing, all influenced by the feeling of indulgence and the frivolous nature of the festive period.  This year I’ve tried to consider more attainable goals.  Ambitions with purpose and with a wider impact than just my waistline!

Martin Luther King, Jr once said “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?”.  It’s a very good question and one that I’m sure can be answered with an abundant list of what we do for our friends, family and colleagues on a daily basis.  However, if we consider ‘others’ as the people we don’t know and people who are indirectly affected by our actions, then what are we doing for them?

Volunteering could be the answer!

Our wonderful volunteers at the cathedral include Flower Arrangers who enhance the beauty and worship of the cathedral through the use of flowers, Welcomers who provide a warm welcome to all visitors offering help and information, Chaplains who share the cathedral’s ministry of welcome and offer spiritual advice and counsel, Bellringers who ring the cathedral bells to summon the faithful to worship, celebrate special occasions and to mark remembrance, Tour Guides who provide and lead visitors on an inspiring tour of the cathedral including special insights into the stained glass windows and Cornish saints and Event Stewards who assist with the smooth running of the various secular events that take place at the cathedral.  We have over 140 volunteers in various roles, and they are all doing something for others on a daily basis, for people they don’t know but who end up being directly affected by their actions.  What a wonderful gift they give!

If you’re considering what 2025 could look like for you, or how you could intentionally shape it to become more rewarding, more meaningful, more for others, then volunteering could be the answer.  What better way to start than to contact me and enquire about our current opportunities, of which there are plenty.  Whether you have faith or not, can give a little or a lot of your time, or have experience or not, we will have a volunteering role that will suit you.  What will you do for others in 2025? Email me at volunteering@trurocathedral.org.uk and find out!

All the best for a happy and healthy year,
