In June 2019, Truro Cathedral participated in an independent audit, commissioned by the Church of England, to look at cathedral arrangements for keeping people safe from harm and abuse. Every cathedral in England will engage in this audit process because bringing in fresh eyes and safeguarding expertise will proactively enable learning and improvement in how cathedrals individually and collectively keep people safe.

In August 2019, Truro Cathedral received the final audit report from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). The report recognises the many areas of strength Truro Cathedral has with regards to safeguarding and offers insight into how the cathedral can further build on these areas. The report can be downloaded here.

The cathedral safeguarding committee on behalf of Chapter have met to discuss their response to the SCIE safeguarding audit report and state:

'The audit process was in-depth and thought-provoking, and altogether a positive experience which has sparked many conversations over the past few months which we are convinced will help us support our vision of Sacred Space and Common Ground, especially the declaration that people are at the centre of everything we do.   In response to the audit, we have made changes in how we approach safeguarding and are committed to delivering best practice in this area. The committee would like to thank everyone who was involved in this process for their support and wisdom'

The full response can be downloaded here.

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