Coronavirus Information
24 June 2020
Further to the recent Government announcement permitting public worship from 4 July, Truro Cathedral is pleased to confirm that it will resume a daily public worship programme from Sunday 5 July. The safety of cathedral staff, volunteers, congregation and visitors is paramount and so full details of the worship schedule and the new rules and processes that will accompany it will be shared in advance of the 5 July on the cathedral’s website and social media channels. The cathedral team looks forward to welcoming you for worship very soon.
11 June 2020
The cathedral is pleased to announce that it will be open from Monday 15th June for quiet contemplation and prayer. Please visit the news page for information and measures put in place to ensure the safety and welfare of staff, volunteers and visitors. For those of you planning to visit us, thank you in advance for helping us to uphold the measures in place and we look forward to once again welcoming you in the cathedral. God be with you and enjoy this sacred space.
9 June 2020
Update - the cathedral is currently preparing to re-open the cathedral for prayer and contemplation. Full information will be available shortly on the website and social media channels @TruroCathedral.
12 May 2020 - An update statement from Dean Roger.
The official government announcements and updates since Sunday 10 May have outlined changes to the lockdown restrictions. At this stage, I want to reiterate that Truro Cathedral’s position has not changed – the cathedral building remains closed to public, volunteers and staff at this time. Three-quarters of the cathedral staff team remain on furlough, and the remaining team members are working hard to continue to support the cathedral’s communities in many ways, from pastoral support to provision of a range of online, digital content. The team is also, of course, making every preparation in readiness for when it is safe for us to consider reopening the physical doors, and we will ensure you are informed of the steps and precautions that will be in place to protect staff, volunteers and visitors ahead of this happening. Until then, know that Truro Cathedral continues to keep you all, our community, our county, our world, in prayer. Take care and stay safe, Dean Roger.
Update 23 March 2020
Truro Cathedral continues to hold the county, country and world in prayer, but must now close
As the numbers of those falling sick with COVID-19 continues to rise and the Government underlines its plea for people not to leave their homes unless essential, it is becoming clearer each with each passing day that unless our communities more stringently enforce physical social distancing measures, the crisis will continue to spiral and ultimately more lives will be lost.
Last Tuesday, Truro Cathedral announced that it was closed for public worship but would remain open for prayer. However, in light of the progressing crisis and need for increased measures, Truro Cathedral has decided to completely close the building from 16:00 today, Monday 23 March 2020, until such a point in future weeks or months that it is considered safe to reopen.
The Very Reverend Roger Bush, Dean of Truro, states, “We are living in unprecedented times. Never before in the history of Christianity in these islands have we closed our churches as sweepingly as this. This tells us something about the modern world in which we live and the overriding need to curb the spread of the virus as thoroughly as we can. The commandment of Jesus, to love our neighbours as ourselves, needs to be done in a different way, and please be assured that the cathedral, along with all churches, will do its utmost to stay in touch, show care and compassion, and offer prayers for the whole community during these extremely challenging times.”
Even though Truro Cathedral will be closed, the Church is still very much active and the clergy and lay staff of the cathedral are working hard to find creative ways to provide remote, digital spiritual resources to the communities of Cornwall. The cathedral website and social media Facebook and Twitter: @TruroCathedral will be key channels for information, resources and news during this time. The website already contains some key resources, such as prayers and prayer requests, plus a recording of a Sunday Eucharist was uploaded just yesterday.
The Truro Diocese team and parish churches across the county are also working tirelessly to find ways to offer support to parishes and congregations. The diocesan website and Facebook @TruroDiocese are the best places to find out about additional available parish resources.
In these difficult times, rest assured Truro Cathedral is holding you in prayer
Keep us, good Lord,
under the shadow of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low;
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Please also view the video message from Dean Roger.
Please keep an eye on our website and social media for further updates
Up to date information and guidance can be found on the following sites