Support at Christmastime
For many, Christmas can be a challenging time when problems in our lives are more difficult to cope with. Each day throughout the year, but particularly over the festive season, Truro Cathedral welcomes you to sit quietly, light a candle and/or pray. A trained cathedral chaplain or member of clergy is present each day to offer a pastoral helping hand should you wish to talk confidentially – the cathedral team can also put you in touch with professional agencies should you wish:
• The Samaritans
(24 hr FREEPHONE 116123)
• Addaction for drug related issues
(01872 263001)
• Cornwall Womens Refuge
(24 hrs: 01872 225629)
• Cornwall Male Refuge
(01872 321546/321575)
• Cornwall MIND for mental health issues
(01326 617220 / 0300 123 3393)