Organ Recital

The 2024 Cathedral Organ Recital Series welcomes first-rate organists to play Truro’s acclaimed Father Willis Organ. This week we welcome Anthony Gritten. This recital will be live-streamed on this page at 13:10 and our YouTube channel


Fugue sur le thème du Carillon des Heures de la Cathédrale de Soissons op. 12 (1962) by Maurice Duruflé (1902-1986)

Joie, Douleur, et Gloire de Marie (1990) by Daniel Roth (born 1942)

Fugue sur les Jeux d’Anches (1954) by Jean-Jacques Grunenwald (1911-1982)

Sonata no. 5 in A major 'Quasi una Fantasia' op. 159 (1921) by Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

I           Allegro moderato

II          Allegretto non troppo mosso

III        Allegro


Anthony is a Fellow of the Royal College of Organists, and studied with Harry Gabb, David Sanger, and Anne Page. He gave the first complete performance of Daniel Roth’s magnum opus, Livre d’Orgue pour le Magnificat, and has performed four times in St. Sulpice, Paris, including a recital for Roth’s 70th birthday. He has also premiered various works, including Richard Francis’ four-movement symphony on themes by Lefébure-Wély, Laurence Caldecote’s Variations on Victimae Paschali Laudes, David Loxley-Blount’s Toccata ar St Denio, and Huw Morgan’s Ave Rosa Sine Spinis. Projects have included anniversary performances of the complete works of Tunder, Buxtehude (a 6½ hour recital), Homilius (2½ hours), Kneller, Brahms, and Mendelssohn, and an ongoing series resurrecting forgotten French music from the early 20th century.

Anthony was an organ scholar and research student at Cambridge University, writing a doctorate on Stravinsky. He has worked at the University of East Anglia, the Royal Northern College of Music, and Middlesex University, and is currently Head of Undergraduate Programmes at the Royal Academy of Music. His publications include books on Music and Gesture, essays on Balakirev, Cage, Debussy, Delius, Goehr, Holloway, Roth, and Stravinsky, and numerous articles on issues in Performance Studies. Many publications can be downloaded from


The series runs from March to October and each recital lasts around 45 minutes. There is no charge to attend or listen to these concerts. We rely on your support to help with the cost of maintaining the cathedral’s famous Father Willis Organ. Keeping the cathedral’s musical instruments in first-rate condition enables us to put on such recitals.

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Popular donations are £5/person