The Friends of Truro Cathedral: Talk by Dr Michael Tedder
The reredos in the Jesus Chapel, the painting by Anne Walke, was a gift of the English Church Union to Dr Walter Frere on his enthronement as seventh Bishop of Truro. Walter Frere CR was undoubtedly the most distinguished - and probably the most controversial - churchman ever to be appointed Bishop of Truro, a role he fulfilled a century ago from 1923 to 1934. His was a time of innovation and experiment and while some of the changes have endured, others didn't. During the centenary of his episcopate, perhaps it is time to re-appraise Frere's contributions to the cathedral and the diocese?
Dr Michael Tedder spent his professional career in further and adult education at the College in St Austell. Michael's research included a doctoral study of the learning lives of Access students and he was a research fellow for 2 major education research projects based at Exeter University. Since retirement Michael has taken a particular research interest in the bishops of Truro.
Tickets are £12.50 (to include a piece of cake and a hot drink) and can be purchased:
From the Friends table after the Sunday Morning Eucharist
By phoning 01872 274986 and listening to the message
By emailing:
The event is open to all.
The event takes place in the Chapter House.